Thursday, 24 July 2014

Object Oriented Design Patterns

Containers -
An object which holds in it other objects . A container posses a capacity with behaviour like being full/empty .
Objects can be inserted or withdrawn from a Container . With an efficient searching algorithm , Searchable Conatiners are also implemented

Iterators -

The objects in a Container can be accessed one at a time by means of a iterator . All iterators shares common interface encapsulating underlying info of a Container from user .

Visitor -
The operation to be performed on objects inside a Conatiner is done by Visitor . They too have there's own interface thus providing efficient encapsulation of Container. Furthermore ,
They have separate implementation , hence their's usage is adhered to multi - Conatiner approach .

Adapters -
They convert the interface of one class as per requirements of a user . Hnece helping an incompatabile interface of a class to be used in lieu with expectations of that class by user .

Singletons -
The class with just one instance . Single instance is ensured to be explotedand accessed by user by the Singleton class .  

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