InsertionSort on doubly linked list
The classes for Doubly linked list are implemented here
To understand it in better way take an analogy from arrays insertion sort -
see Insertion sort on arrays here
for(i = 1 ; i < array.length ; ++i)
for( j = i - 1 ; j >= 0 && array[j+1] < array[j] ; --j )
//swap array[j+1] and array[j]
Derving Analogy for doubly linked list from arrays for Insertion sort algo
DNode pivot - array[i] or array[j+1]
DNode ins - array[j]
DNode ins.index - j
while(list.hasPrev(ins) && ins.getData().compareTo(pivot.getData()) > 0 ) - while(j>=0 and array[j] > array[j+1])
public void insertionSort(DblyLinkedList list)
//if the size of list is smaller than or equal to one , then its already sorted
if(list.getSize() <= 1)
return ;
// a pivot node which will be compared everytime with the sorted list
// to its left to get its proper place in list
DNode pivot ;
//insertion point
DNode ins ;
//end of run
DNode end = list.getFirst();
DNode lastNode = list.getLast();
while(end != lastNode)
pivot = end.getNext(); // get the next pivot node , this is the node to be insertion sorted
list.removeNode(pivot); // remove pivot from the list to place it in right order
ins = end ; // start searching to left from the end of sorted run
while(list.hasPrev(ins) && ins.getData().compareTo(pivot.getData()) > 0 )
//loop to left to find appropriate insertion place for the pivot
ins = ins.getPrev() ; //move to left
list.insertAfter(ins, pivot); // insert the pivot at right place
// if we added pivot just after end of sorted run in this case i.e the pivot
// is already at its right place , increment end marker
if(ins == end ) end = end.getNext();
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