Rank of a given String - In a Lexicographic taste-
Lexicographic style deals with dictionary style arrangement of characters.
The Rank of a particular arrangement of characters of a string pretains to a particular permutation adhering to lexicographic arrangement
Taking an example of a given string "abc" , the rank of "abc" would be 1 - lexicographically
abc = 1
acb = 2
cba = 6
The simplest solution that strikes in mind is to take out all lexicographic permutation of the given string and then
iterate over all permuataions until we find our given match , incrementing passing by every term.
This solution can make complexity increasing exponentially in worst case :P
The efficient solution is somewhat tricky , just some high school math work-
Let the given string be " JIM"
Check first character "J"
Total characters = 5
Character smaller then "J" = "I" i.e 1
So there can be 1*2! strings , which have first character smaller then "J" -
Now fixing "J" we gotta find smaller strings starting with "J"
Next character "I" have no character smaller then itself so zero in this case with total rank 1*2!+ 0*1!+...
Next character "M" have no character smaller then itself so zero in this case with total rank 1*2!+ 0*1!+0*1!..
So rank = 1*2!+ 0*1!+0*0!= 2
As rank starts from 1 unlike numbering starting from zero in programming so rank of "JIM" = 2+1= 3
To calculate the Lexicographic permuatation for repeated characters, just follow same procedure and in end divide the rank with p! where p is count of occurence of each repeated character . eg- rank/2! in case of string "JIMMY "
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#define MAX_CHAR 256
// utility function to find n factorial
int fact(int n){
return (n<=1) ? 1 : n * fact(n-1) ;
// an array count where value at each index gonna
// contain total count of smaller characters present in given string
void increaseCountbyPopulating (int* count , char* str){
int i;
for(i=0;str[i];++i) // populating count of each character
++count[ str[i] ];
// instead of calling a loop again n again to check the total characters smaller then particular
//character present , just iterate once and add the preceding value in every next count[i] for i <=256
// This will help us to straightway accessing the total numbers of of character smaller then count[str[i]] as shown
// later in the rankFinder() .
// Unexpected , but Dont panic :D
void countUpdate(int* count, char ch){ // this function is fixing the value of character as explained above
// by deleting its every occurence in count[]
int i;
// now checkout the function to find the rank,pretty simple, understand afformentioned point carefully
int rankFinder(char* str){
int len = strlen(str);
int mul = fact(len);
int rank = 1, i;
int count[MAX_CHAR] = {0}; // initialising all elements to 0
// populating count[i] having count of characters smaller then i present in given string
for (i = 0; i < len; ++i)
mul /= len - i; // this is tricky and efficient, simple high school maths
// count number of chars smaller than str[i]
// from str[i+1] to str[len-1]
rank += count[ str[i] - 1] * mul;
// Reduce count of characters greater than str[i], i.e fixing the occurence of string[i]
countUpdate (count, str[i]);
return rank;
// Driver program
int main()
char str[] = "JIM";
int rank= rankFinder(str);
printf ("%d", rank);
return 0;
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