Tuesday, 25 February 2014

YouTube Hacks

Compiled by:- Shreya Gupta and Divyanshu Pathania

No wonder YouTube is the most popular video-sharing website on which users can upload, view and share videos. But sometimes YouTube can be irritating as hell when it comes to unwanted ads, buffering etc.
So enhance your YouTube experience by checking out the following hacks and enjoy!

  • Want add-free YouTube videos? Install AdBlock or simply add 'skip' between 'youtube' and '.com'.
  • Download YouTube videos without any download manager. Simply add 'ss' between 'www.' and 'youtube'.
  • Join the YouTube Feather Beta: click here. Not only is this the best performance hack you can do, but it also lets you keep up a certain level of productivity through the minimalist layout. There are no comments and there is not an abundance of recommended cat videos on the right.This technique is helpful to reduce the amount of bytes downloaded by the browser, by limiting the features available to the viewer.

  • Play any video on YouTube and press '1980'. Now you have to SAVE THE VIDEO by PLAYING A GAME!
  • YouTube has a little online video editor that lets you trim, splice, enhance and add effects and audio tracks to your videos. Just go to http://www.youtube.com/editor
  • To repeat a video or song without pressing the play button every time, replace 'youtube' with 'listenonrepeat' before the '.com'. Alternatively, you can add 'repeat' between 'youtube' and '.com'. And the great thing about this is that, if there's an add, it won't be repeated!
Hope these hacks help you and you are able to enjoy all the more on YouTube.

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