Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Tid Bits Data Structures

 1 :
    Total number of nodes pointing to null in a binary tree with N nodes are N-1
    Total non leaf nodes in a binary tree with N leaf nodes are N-1
 3 :
    Maximum possible height of a binary tree with N nodes is N , when the binary tree is right or left skewed
 4 :
    Height of a complete binary tree with N nodes log(N)
 5 :
    A simple graph have  one edge connecting two edges  while a multi graph can have more than one edge connecting two vertices
 6 :
    Self loops are allowe in directed graphs but not in undirected graphs
    Two comman ways of representing graphs are Adjaceny matrix and adjaceny list
 8  :
    In a priority queue , a priority is associated with each element such that insertion and removal is based on priority , but not on arrival time or order
    A tree is a connected graph with no circuits . Removing an edge in a tree disconnectes one or more nodes , hence a tree is a minimally connected graph .
    Finally all trees are graph , but not vice versa .

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