Saturday, 28 February 2015

Print all valid combinations of n-pairs of parentheses

    For such recursive problems check if f(n) can be built from f(n-1)  , by inserting an instance of n = 1
    This is a hint for general recursive problem
    Example : n = 1 : ()
              n = 2 : ()() , (())
              n = 3 : ()()() , (())() , () (()) , (()()) , ((()))
    f(3) can be found from f(3-1) , i,.e  f(2) , by adding a single pair of parenthesis to f(3-1) inside every existing pair of parenthesis
    Eg. -  n = 2 : ()() -
                         (())()  // inserted after first left parenthesis
                         () (()) // inserted after second left parenthesis
                         ()()()  // inserted at beginning
                    (()) -
                          (()())  // inserted after first left parenthesis
                          ((()))  // inserted after second left parenthesis
                          () (()) // inserted at beginning
      Since  () (()) occurs twice so use of set is required
       Placing a pair at end would reduce to previous case as already did
       eg -    (())()  inserted at end of (()) is same as inserted after first left parenthesis in ()() 

public   Set<String> generateParen(int remainder)
    //HashSet will automatically check that no same values are inserted in set
    Set<String> set = new HashSet<>();
    //base case
    if( remainder == 0 )
        //recurse to f(n-1)
        Set<String> prev =  generateParen(remainder-1);
        for(Strring str : prev)
            for( int i = 0 ; i < str.length() ; ++i)
                //if a left parenthesis is found
                if(str.charAt(i) == '(')
                    String s = insertParenAt(str, i );
            //insert at beginning
            set.add("()" + str);


public String insertParenAt (String parent , int index)
    String left = parent.substring(0,index+1);
    String right = parent.substring(index+1 , parent.length());
    return left+ "()" + right ;

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