Threaded binary tree saves stack recursion space used for traversing a tree , by making traversal iterative istead of recursive.
The right most null node is made to be ponted to its inorder successor while tree formation .
So space complexity becomes O(1) from O(N)
//structure of a node in a threded binary tree
struct treeNode{
int data;
struct treeNode* right;
struct treeNode* left;
bool isRightHanded;
struct treeNode* leftMost(struct treeNode* curr)
if (curr == NULL)
return NULL;
while (curr->left != NULL)
curr = curr->left;
return curr;
void traverseThrededTree(struct treeNode* root)
if (root == NULL)
printf("Empty tree");
return ;
struct treeNode* cur = leftMost(root);
while (cur != NULL)
printf("%d", cur->data);
//if node is right handed , go to next node
if (cur->isRightHanded)
cur = cur->right;
else // else go to next leftmost node of the right node , if it exist
cur = leftMost(cur->right);