Saturday, 2 August 2014

Singly Linked List - java

Base classes for singly linked list - the head and tail are sentinels for the singly linked list  list

Node class
 *  @ Node class to implement a node of a linked list
 *  @data Element the string data of node , Next the reference to the next node object reference
public class Node {
private String element ;
Node next ;

//creates a node with given element and reference to the next node
public Node(String s , Node n)
this.element = s; = n;


// getters and setters modifiers for this node
public String getElement()
return this.element;

public Node getNext()

public void setElement( String newElem )
this.element = newElem;
public void setNext( Node newNxt )
{ = newNxt;


Singly Linked List class - 
 *  @ SinglyLinkedList class to implement singly linked list
public class SinglyLinkedList {
//head and tail of list
protected Node head , tail  ;
static int totalNodes ; 
//default constructor creates an empty list
public SinglyLinkedList()
this.head = null;
SinglyLinkedList.totalNodes = 0 ;
// insertion at the head of a linked list
public void addAtHead(Node newNode)
//set the next reference of new node same as head of the linked list
//make head to  point the new node making new node to be the first element of the linked list
head = newNode ; 
// increment the number of nodes  
//insert at the tail of linked list
public void addAtTail(Node newNode)
//set the next referencee of new node ass null 
//make the last node to point the newNode
// now finally make the tail to point to the newNode
tail = newNode ; 
// increment the total nodes present
// remove the first element of the list
public void removeFirstNode(){
// store the first node in a  temporary reference to remove it
Node temp = head ; 
// make head to point to the second node 
head =  head.getNext();
// null out the next poiner of the removed node
//decrement the total nodes present


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