The easiest way to achieve this is to create an auxiliary stack and keep pushing minimum ( maximum ) element in it . And to maintain consistency while popping , pop from when auxiliary stack when top elements in both stacks are equal.
Pseudocode :
Stack myStack = new Stack();
Stack maxStack = new Stack ();
void push(int data )
if ( maxStack.isEmpty() || maxStack.peek() < data)
int pop ()
int num = myStack.pop();
if( ! maxStack.isEmpty() && maxStack.peek() == num )
return maxStack.pop();
return num;
Pseudocode :
Stack myStack = new Stack();
Stack maxStack = new Stack ();
void push(int data )
if ( maxStack.isEmpty() || maxStack.peek() < data)
int pop ()
int num = myStack.pop();
if( ! maxStack.isEmpty() && maxStack.peek() == num )
return maxStack.pop();
return num;