Given an expression string exp, write a program to examine whether the pairs and the orders of “{“,”}”,”(“,”)”,”[“,”]” are correct in exp. For example, the program should print true for exp = “[()]{}{[()()]()}” and false for exp = “[(])”
// a function to check if two given characters are a matching pair
bool isMatchingPair( char chr1 , char chr2 )
if( chr1 == '(' && chr2 == ')')
return 1 ;
else if( chr1 == '{' && chr2 == '}')
return 1 ;
else if( chr1 == '[' && chr2 == ']')
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
bool arePraenthesisBalanced (char exp[])
int i = 0 ;
// an empty character stack to be made up of linked list
struct sNode* stack = NULL;
//while we dont approach the null character of the string
while( exp[i])
// if exp[i] is a starting charcter push it
if(exp[i] == '{' || exp[i] == '(' || exp[i] == '[')
push(&stack, exp[i]);
//if the exp[i] is an ending parenthesis , pop from stack and check whether it matches as the type of starting parenthesis exp[i]
if(exp[i] == '}' || exp[i] == ')' || exp[i] == ']')
//if the stack is NULL , return false as this is an extra invalid parentheis
if(stack == NULL)
return 0 ;
// pop the character and check if it is not of the type of exp[i] , return false
else if(!(isMatchingPair(pop(&stack) , exp[i])))
return 0 ;
//if there is something left in stack , means we found an unmatched single parenthesis type
// return false
if(stack == NULL )
return true ; //balanced
return false; //unbalanced