//paint fill function : given a point , a 2d array , and a new color , fill the image (2d-array here) using new color
public enum Color
Black , White , Red , Yellow , Green
public static void boolean PaintFill(Color[][] screen , int x , int y , Color nColor)
* Here x is column index and y is the row index , as happens in screen orientations
if(screen[y][x] == nColor) return false ;
return PaintFill(screen , int x , int y , screen[y][x] , nColor);
public static boolean PaintFill (Color[][] screen , int x , int y , Color oColor , Color nColor)
//check if the index is out of bounds of the screen
if ( y < 0 || y > screen.length || x < 0 || x > screen[0].length)
return false ;
//if the present point pixel is of old color , recurse coloring the neighbors
if (screen[y][x] == oColor)
PaintFill(screen , x-1 , y, oColor , nColor ) ; //left
PaintFill(screen , x+1 , y, oColor , nColor ) ; //right
PaintFill(screen , x , y-1, oColor , nColor ) ; //top
PaintFill(screen , x , y+1, oColor , nColor ) ; //bottom
return true ;
public enum Color
Black , White , Red , Yellow , Green
public static void boolean PaintFill(Color[][] screen , int x , int y , Color nColor)
* Here x is column index and y is the row index , as happens in screen orientations
if(screen[y][x] == nColor) return false ;
return PaintFill(screen , int x , int y , screen[y][x] , nColor);
public static boolean PaintFill (Color[][] screen , int x , int y , Color oColor , Color nColor)
//check if the index is out of bounds of the screen
if ( y < 0 || y > screen.length || x < 0 || x > screen[0].length)
return false ;
//if the present point pixel is of old color , recurse coloring the neighbors
if (screen[y][x] == oColor)
PaintFill(screen , x-1 , y, oColor , nColor ) ; //left
PaintFill(screen , x+1 , y, oColor , nColor ) ; //right
PaintFill(screen , x , y-1, oColor , nColor ) ; //top
PaintFill(screen , x , y+1, oColor , nColor ) ; //bottom
return true ;