struct _node_student;
#define CREATE_NODE ( struct _node_student* ) malloc(sizeof(_node_student) )
using namespace std;
// a struct to represent a student in a queue as a node of a doubly linked list
struct _node_student{
//the student number
unsigned int _std_num = 0;
//pointer to next student node
_node_student* next;
//pointer to previous student node
_node_student* prev;
} *ptr;
//class implementing a doubly linked list for queue at the department
class Queue{
//total students PROCESSED in queue at any instance
unsigned int _ttl_stdnt_procsd;
//pointer to front of the queue
_node_student* front;
//pointer to end of the queue
_node_student* end;
_ttl_stdnt_procsd = 0;
//make fornt and end point eachother
front = CREATE_NODE;
front->next = NULL;
front->prev = NULL;
end->prev = front;
end->next = NULL;
front->next = end;
//accessor and manipulation functions
void addAtHead(unsigned int _ttl_stud);
void addAfter(unsigned int _stud_num);
void addBefore(unsigned int _stud_num);
void removeStudent(unsigned int num);
void display();
//getter and setter for total student processed
int getTtlStdProcsd(){ return _ttl_stdnt_procsd; };
void incrmntTtlStdProcsd(){ ++_ttl_stdnt_procsd; };
//functions add students at the end of queue
void Queue::addAtHead(unsigned int _ttl_stud)
//get the student number of first student to be added this time as index
unsigned int index = getTtlStdProcsd() + 1;
// update total student
_ttl_stud += getTtlStdProcsd();
//add all students at at end of the queue
while (index <= _ttl_stud)
//get end student node already in queue
_node_student* u = CREATE_NODE;
u = end->prev;
//create a new student node and initialise its number
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
//update the queue by adding student node v after u in the queue
v->next = end;
v->prev = u;
v->_std_num = index;
u->next = v;
end->prev = v;
//increment total student processed
// test function to display the queue
void Queue::display()
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->next != NULL)
cout << ptr->_std_num << " ";
ptr = ptr->next;
// add a student node before his/her's best friend ;)
void Queue::addBefore(unsigned int _stud_num) {
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->_std_num != _stud_num)
ptr = ptr->next;
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
_node_student* u = CREATE_NODE;
u = ptr->prev;
//add v before his friend _stud_num
v->next = ptr;
v->prev = ptr->prev;
ptr->prev = v;
u->next = v;
v->_std_num = getTtlStdProcsd();
// add a student node after his/her's best friend :P
void Queue::addAfter(unsigned int _stud_num)
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->_std_num != _stud_num)
ptr = ptr->next;
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
_node_student* w = CREATE_NODE;
w = ptr->next;
//add v after student _stud_num
v->next = ptr->next;
v->prev = ptr;
w->prev = v;
ptr->next = v;
v->_std_num = getTtlStdProcsd();
// kick out students from the queue
void Queue::removeStudent(unsigned int _stud_num)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _stud_num; ++i)
_node_student* tmp = front;
front = front->next;
struct _node_student;
#define CREATE_NODE ( struct _node_student* ) malloc(sizeof(_node_student) )
using namespace std;
// a struct to represent a student in a queue as a node of a doubly linked list
struct _node_student{
//the student number
unsigned int _std_num = 0;
//pointer to next student node
_node_student* next;
//pointer to previous student node
_node_student* prev;
} *ptr;
//class implementing a doubly linked list for queue at the department
class Queue{
//total students PROCESSED in queue at any instance
unsigned int _ttl_stdnt_procsd;
//pointer to front of the queue
_node_student* front;
//pointer to end of the queue
_node_student* end;
_ttl_stdnt_procsd = 0;
//make fornt and end point eachother
front = CREATE_NODE;
front->next = NULL;
front->prev = NULL;
end->prev = front;
end->next = NULL;
front->next = end;
//accessor and manipulation functions
void addAtHead(unsigned int _ttl_stud);
void addAfter(unsigned int _stud_num);
void addBefore(unsigned int _stud_num);
void removeStudent(unsigned int num);
void display();
//getter and setter for total student processed
int getTtlStdProcsd(){ return _ttl_stdnt_procsd; };
void incrmntTtlStdProcsd(){ ++_ttl_stdnt_procsd; };
//functions add students at the end of queue
void Queue::addAtHead(unsigned int _ttl_stud)
//get the student number of first student to be added this time as index
unsigned int index = getTtlStdProcsd() + 1;
// update total student
_ttl_stud += getTtlStdProcsd();
//add all students at at end of the queue
while (index <= _ttl_stud)
//get end student node already in queue
_node_student* u = CREATE_NODE;
u = end->prev;
//create a new student node and initialise its number
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
//update the queue by adding student node v after u in the queue
v->next = end;
v->prev = u;
v->_std_num = index;
u->next = v;
end->prev = v;
//increment total student processed
// test function to display the queue
void Queue::display()
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->next != NULL)
cout << ptr->_std_num << " ";
ptr = ptr->next;
// add a student node before his/her's best friend ;)
void Queue::addBefore(unsigned int _stud_num) {
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->_std_num != _stud_num)
ptr = ptr->next;
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
_node_student* u = CREATE_NODE;
u = ptr->prev;
//add v before his friend _stud_num
v->next = ptr;
v->prev = ptr->prev;
ptr->prev = v;
u->next = v;
v->_std_num = getTtlStdProcsd();
// add a student node after his/her's best friend :P
void Queue::addAfter(unsigned int _stud_num)
ptr = front->next;
while (ptr->_std_num != _stud_num)
ptr = ptr->next;
_node_student* v = CREATE_NODE;
_node_student* w = CREATE_NODE;
w = ptr->next;
//add v after student _stud_num
v->next = ptr->next;
v->prev = ptr;
w->prev = v;
ptr->next = v;
v->_std_num = getTtlStdProcsd();
// kick out students from the queue
void Queue::removeStudent(unsigned int _stud_num)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _stud_num; ++i)
_node_student* tmp = front;
front = front->next;